Tuesday, May 25, 2010

PortraitsJamie Stairs


For the first picture I dodged Jamie to make her lighter, played around with the levels and curves, and burnt the edges. The second picture I changed the levels and curves as well. Then I changed it to black and white and used the paint brush tool to make her in color.


  1. Can I just say AWESOME portraits. I really like the flow of the photographs and how the positions lead the eye. Also I really like the vignette that is on the first one because it really makes her pop out.

  2. Great portraits!! I really like how you desaturated everything but her in the second picture. It makes her really stand out. And the first one has great composition.

  3. I love the second shot of Jamie where everything is toned down except for her. It was a great splash of color. You are great with portraits! Cannot wait to see what you do for next week!

  4. I really like the contrast of the color of her clothes with the black and white background. These are really great shots! The lighting on both shots is also really really good, which makes it a better picture all-around!
